

9:22 AM

71-75 Yellowstone Boulevard
Forest Hills, NY 11375
(718) 793-3464

I realize now that I should have done for pizza what I did with the Chinese food takeout smackdown. But I didn't. Don't ask me why. I failed you. I failed my blog. I failed the neighborhood. I failed America. But enough about me and let's move on to Mike's.

Mike's Pizzeria rests Yellowstone boulevard across the street from what used to be a C-Town and down the block from what still is a Dunkin Donuts. It's not without it's competition. Lillian's is only a couple of blocks away in one direction and Capolinea is a couple of blocks away in another. We in Forest Hills can't stand being more than a few blocks from a pizza place even, it would seem, if that pizza isn't really worth being that close to anyway.

And therein lies my opinion of Mike's. It's nothing special. The interior is large and rather upscale for a pizza place with what look like new tables and plenty of them. They have a decent variety of pies under the glass, but you've seen them all before. This isn't some haute, Artichoke-esque place churning out Gruyere pies with a topping of pesto and mushroom. Mike's makes normal pizza. If only they made it better.

The Plain Cheese slice was way too greasy, most likely from cheap cheese. Bright orange cheese grease seemed to coat both my plate and the back of my hand. Meanwhile the Vegetable slice, which was loaded with mushroom, zucchini and broccoli was as dry as a bone and so top heavy from its cargo that half the toppings fell onto the tray. Neither pie had much in the way of sauce, either, which compounded the problems of these ultimately disappointing triangles.

Slices cost the average or maybe a bit above it. The two slices above and a Diet Pepsi came out to $9.

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