
THE QUEENS TRIBUNE Forest Hills Dining Guide

12:04 PM

The Queens Tribune usually only publishes fake restaurant reviews, reviews so cloyingly, gushingly positive that they should only be read either for either their corny entertainment value or as a paid advertisement from the restaurant, so I was understandably hesitant when they asked me if I would be willing to volunteer a "dining guide" for Forest Hills. I mean, a list of restaurants that you actually recommend can hardly highlight the stinkers people should avoid like the plague. Plus, they wanted it limited to 800 words. 800 words is basically either a soulless list or an incomplete one.

After some thought, however, I decided that, hell, it couldn't hurt. So I sat down and I wrote one up. After sending it off, I never heard back. Like nothing. Naturally, I assumed that they decided that my style didn't mesh with theirs and they decided to pass. 

As it turns out, they finally DID publish it. Last week. It's a bit edited down, and I'm pretty sure that the Tribune has a readership of four people, and I have no idea what all the random bold lettering is about, but still.

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