

10:14 PM

The (first) poll has closed! Almost 50 people chimed in (is that a lot?) and the consensus seems pretty evenly split. In fact, there's no clear winner. Most people aren't total cheapskates (the $15-20 lot), but of those willing to hand out a couple more Jacksons, there's a near even split between them.

So let's do a calculation based on the people willing to spend over $20+ for an entree, in the interest of getting restaurateurs to move here. They can expect that people will be willing to spend $24.77 for an entree at their establishment. I'll round that to $25 for the sake of the math.

Dinner for two.
Entrees: $25 x 2 = $50.00
Appetizers at half entree cost: $12.50 x 2 = $25.00
Desserts at one-third the entree cost: $8 x 2 = $16.00
Decent quality glass of Montepulciano (because I like it): $10 x 2 = $20.00
Coffee/Tea with dessert: $2.50 x 2 = $5.00
TOTAL for two: $116 plus tax and tip.

So for those willing to open up something great here in Forest Hills are, we're willing to drop $116+. We just have one small rule.

Don't suck.

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