
Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Hello Readers,

I've gotten a few emails from people asking me to post more often, and I am apologizing for not posting all too frequently... but hey, I post more often than the Queens Central and Forest Hills 72 guys do, so that has to count for something, right?

Anyway, I'm writing this specific post asking you guys to make comments. I'm one person (occasionally I bring a compadre) and these are all my simple opinions based on the meals I had at the time that I went. If you went there and agree, or disagree, or have an experience you want to share, please share it. Just be civil. We're Forest Hills, after all. We have class.

Also, feel free to make recommendations to new places on my Facebook page. That's why it's there.



  1. I used to post comments, but you never responded - so I didn't know if you were welcoming them or just didn't care! *sniffsniff*

  2. Gasp! My apologies. I'll usually respond when the comment is a question or expressing confusion at something I said. But most people's comments don't really need a response... unless I've been violating some kind of blogger etiquette by not posting a response?

  3. That said, I definitely welcome them and I definitely care. :)

  4. I don't know if its etiquette. Looking back, nothing really ever required a response, but I do think that responding helps build community.

    Either that, or I am INCREDIBLY needy.

  5. Long time reader, first time commenter. Have you been to Aged? Thoughts or feelings you'd like to share? I'm thinking of trying soon!

  6. Actually, I just went to Aged and worked on the post today. So it should be up by the end of the week. The short version: it was good (better than the Yelp reviews anyway), but overpriced.
